
Five Minutes With Sen Wellness Sanctuary's Sam Kankanamge
Five Minutes With Sen Wellness Sanctuary's Sam Kankanamge

Sam Kankanamge is the founder of Sen Wellness, a holistic health clinic in London and a wellness re…

The Health Benefits Of Cinnamon
The Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is all around at Tri Lanka in Sri Lanka, from the sweet scent that lingers from the wood t…

Juice Detox Retreat at Longevity Wellness Spa
Juice Detox Retreat at Longevity Wellness Spa

Cleanse your body and start a healthy weight loss process at the Longevity Wellness Spas on their j…

How Knowing Your Prakriti Can Prevent Illness
How Knowing Your Prakriti Can Prevent Illness

According to Ayurveda the greatest way to prevent illness is through knowing, understanding and acc…

How digital addiction could be affecting your sleep
How digital addiction could be affecting your sleep

Here, Phil Lawlor, Sleep Expert at memory foam mattress specialist Dormeo, tells us how being addic…

Change Your Breathing To Enhance Your Well-Being
Change Your Breathing To Enhance Your Well-Being

As you go through your day the chance is that you are completely unaware of your breathing as it ha…

How to practice a yogic diet
How to practice a yogic diet

It has been said that the food that we eat fuels our soul. Many yoga practitioners believe that foo…

The Vegan Panchakarma
The Vegan Panchakarma

In the last twenty years, there has been a huge increase in people deciding to follow a vegan diet.…

Mung Bean Risotto Recipe By Kamalaya
Mung Bean Risotto Recipe By Kamalaya

One of the most popular dishes on Kamalaya’s Detox Menu is the Mung Bean Risotto. Green mung …

Pulse Diagnosis In Ayurveda
Pulse Diagnosis In Ayurveda

One of the key diagnostic tools in Ayurveda is pulse diagnosis. Through the use of this diagnostic …

How To Fuel Workouts On A Plant Based Diet
How To Fuel Workouts On A Plant Based Diet

Today, many fitness minded people have begun to adopt a plant-based diet. This can be for reasons s…

Top 5 Physio Tips to Prevent Injury
Top 5 Physio Tips to Prevent Injury

Injuries are painful, debilitating, and have the potential to set you back weeks or months from you…

Eating And Exercise: Nutrition Tips To Maximise The Effectiveness Of Your Workout
Eating And Exercise: Nutrition Tips To Maximise The Effectiveness Of Your Workout

When and what you eat can be important to how you feel when you exercise, whether it's a casual…

The Importance of Touch In Ayurveda
The Importance of Touch In Ayurveda

As the world continues to move forward, humanity has gotten used to social isolation, lacking in to…

3 Reasons to Join a Pilates Reformer Bootcamp at Absolute Sanctuary
3 Reasons to Join a Pilates Reformer Bootcamp at Absolute Sanctuary

Oftentimes Pilates is simply grouped together with yoga as a mind-body practice. However, Joseph Pi…

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Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
020 7843 3597

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