All You Need to Know About a Post-Holiday Juice Detox Retreat
You’re most probably feeling like your body needs a rest from all the festivities and you could use a detox. There are many different types of detox retreats out there, with new trends constantly emerging, however one type of detox that has always proved popular is the juice detox. The juice cleanse is, as the name implies, a detox based on drinking just fruit and vegetable juices for a set period of time and foregoing usual food consumption. Plenty sing the praises of this particular kind of detox, however it is important to note that as this is a rather intensive type of cleanse there are a few things that it is important to know before you decide to opt for this particular kind of detox retreat, read on to discover just what these are.
Check with Your Doctor First
While most people should be fine to go on a juice detox retreat, it is important to check with your doctor to make certain first, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions. When you make any dramatic dietary changes it can have an impact on your body, and not necessarily the one that you wanted. To avoid any unpleasant results it is better to be safe than sorry and get the approval of your doctor before booking your juice detox retreat. If it turns out that a juice cleanse isn’t right for you, have no fear as there are plenty of other types of detoxes out there that may be more suitable.
Research Your Retreat
Not all juice detox retreats were created equal and it is important to take the time to find a reputable one that is suited to you. At Healing Holidays we take the time to try and test all the programmes that we recommend, so you can rest assured that any detox retreat suggested by us will always be of the highest standard. Some of our top recommendations for a juice detox retreat include the Longevity Juice Fasting Detox at Vilalara Thalassa Resort and the Holistic Detox Programme at Absolute Sanctuary, but speak to our healing experts who will help you to pick the retreat that is exactly right for you.

Don’t Expect it to be Easy
A juice detox is not always as easy as it might sound and foregoing meals can be difficult for some. It is important not to be disheartened if you break your detox, after all it is perfectly possible to get back on track. While on a juice detox retreat you also have the added benefit of being in a supportive environment where the staff at the spa as well as your fellow detoxers will all help to keep you motivated. This will help you to resist temptation and make you more likely to complete your cleanse than if you attempted a similar detox by yourself at home.
You Can Get Great Results
Why else would you be doing a juice detox retreat if not for the amazing results? You’ll be happy to learn that you can achieve some great things from your retreat. While what you achieve varies from person to person and depends on the retreat you are on, common benefits include a renewed sense of energy, brighter and more radiant appearance, anti-ageing benefits, weight-loss and much more. Following your detox you'll feel as though the clock has been turned back and your body reset as you become the healthiest version of yourself.

What You Do After is Just as Important
You’ve completed your juice detox and you’re celebrating your great results, but what you do next is just as important to ensure you don’t immediately slip back into old bad habits. While it is obviously neither healthy nor enjoyable to keep your juice cleanse up beyond the length of your retreat, by making some healthy lifestyle changes you can help to sustain the results and avoid finding yourself in desperate need of another cleanse. Try to cut out unhealthy foods and introduce the occasional cleansing juice to your diet and you can ensure your retreat was more than just a quick fix.
If you are interested in going on a juice detox retreat, get in touch with our healing experts who will help you to find the one that is right for you. Call us on 020 7843 3597 or click here to enquire.