Rancho La Puerta’s After-Hike Stretch Routine

13/08/2019, Rancho La Puerta

We caught up with the award-winning Rancho La Puerta to find out an easy guide to some simple stretches to do after any physical activity in order to realign your posture and increase flexibility.

Calf Stretch. 

Begin by holding onto a rail or bar with your feet stood together as you are an arm’s length away. With one leg take a step, or lunge, backward. Your front knee should be bent slightly and your back leg should be straight with your heels on the ground. Hold this stretch for 5-10 seconds or about four breathes. Switch legs and repeat.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Stand and hold the bar with your pelvis slightly tucked as you lower your back knee toward the ground. Hold this stretch for 5-10 seconds or about four breathes. Switch legs and repeat.

Hamstring Stretch

Holding the bar and take a small step back with your heel on the ground. Your other leg should be slightly bent as you keep your front leg slightly bent with your toes off the ground. Shift your weight into the back leg while hinging or bending slightly forward. Switch legs and repeat.

Figure 4 Stretch 

Gripping the bar with your hands, bring your ankle across the opposite knee, and slowly bend the leg you are standing on and shift your weight slightly back. Keep your standing leg bent but stacked over your ankle. Hold for 5-10 seconds or about four breathes. Switch legs and repeat.

Back Stretch

Standing with your feet under your hips and holding the bar. Shift your hips backwards and bend your knees to lengthen your spine. Slowly start to round your spine as you straighten to stand. The stretch should take 5-10 seconds or about four breathes.  

Chest and Shoulder Opener

With your back to the bar hold your balance as you step one leg forward, drawing your abs in, gently lean forward to open your chest and bend your front knee. Avoid compressing or sinking your lower back. Hold for 5-10 seconds or about four breathes. Switch legs and repeat.

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