Stepping out - tips to keep you moving

22/06/2020, Exercise Physiologist Erkan Güneş | Six Senses

As it is essential for us to keep moving, the most basic habit change that we can make in our daily life is to simply move more often. Here are a few tips from Six Senses Exercise Physiologist Erkan Güneş on how to incorporate more movement into your everyday routine.

  • Keep stiffness at bay. Whether at work or at home, be sure to stand up frequently and, when appropriate, bend down to touch your toes and hold this position for a few seconds to boost your circulation. The most basic and simple movements such as walking, moving around or even doing household chores, when consciously performed throughout your day, can have multiple benefits
  • Keep on moving:
    • Join a strength and conditioning class or other activities that regularly require you to improve your mobility. For example, mobilising your body with simple yoga asanas such as the palm tree pose, sun salutations or spinal twists will help you release physical tensions and also stimulate dormant energy and nerve centres
    • If you are a fitness enthusiast, challenge yourself with more dynamic and multi-directional exercise movements to get your heart pumping, enhance your mobility and increase your strength
    • Alternatively, start walking. Studies show that a regular brisk walk, especially surrounded by nature, can have a positive impact on your wellbeing
  • Don’t forget to smile, grimace, frown, grin… A simple and non-invasive alternative to surgery, anti-ageing facial exercises can help banish fine lines and sagging. One exercise you can do even while you read this blog is the cheek plump. Take a big breath, then push the breath from cheek to cheek like a bullfrog, then release. This helps strengthen your cheek muscles and prevents them from sagging.

If this blog has got you interested in starting your wellness journey at Six Senses please call our wellness advisors at 020 7843 3597 or enquire here.

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